If you have read the page
on ELECTROMAGNETISM then you will know that when a current is passed through
a coil, the coil becomes surrounded by a magnetic field .
This field is made up from lines of force and has the same shape as a bar magnet. If the current is increased,
the lines of force move outwards from the coil.
If another coil is placed
adjacent to the first coil then, as the field moves out or in, the moving
lines of force will "cut" the turns of the second coil.
The input coil is called the PRIMARY WINDING, the output coil is the SECONDARY WINDING. The voltage induced in the secondary is determined by the TURNS RATIO.
Primary voltage
Number of primary turns
For example, if the secondary
has half the primary turns, the secondary will have half the primary voltage.
Assuming a perfect transformer,
the power provided by the primary must equal the power taken by a load
on the secondary.
To aid magnetic coupling
between primary and secondary, the coils are wound on a metal CORE.
Note that the transformer
only works on AC which has a constantly changing current and moving field.
Some transformers have an
electrostatic screen between primary and secondary.
Transformers are sometimes
used for IMPEDANCE MATCHING. There is a page on this subject.