3 - 30 kilohertz Very low frequencies (VLF)
30 - 300 kilohertz The long wave band (LW)
300 - 3000 kilohertz (3 megahertz) The medium wave band (MW)
3 - 30 megahertz The short wave band (SW)
30 - 300 megahertz Very high frequency band (VHF)
300 - 3000 (3 gigahertz) Ultra high frequency band (UHF)
3 gigahertz - 30 gigahertz Super high frequency band (SHF)
300 - 3000 gigahertz
Microwave frequencies
Higher in frequency than this are infra red, visible light, ultra violet, X rays etc which are all forms of Electro Magnetic radiation. |